Friday, December 12, 2014

Just Random BRAT Thoughts...

I am one of them.

I am one of those BRATs who were AGAINST the REBRANDING of the BRATs name.  I will make no apologies for it either.

However, I will say this:

It has been played out like an old overly dramatic soap opera.  People will only take one side and not listen to the other.

Here was MY issue with the CHAMPs: As a BRAT, I AM NOT ENTITLED to be called a hero because my dad CHOSE to serve.  That was my one issue.  I was all for the babysitting portion, even though there was this sense of "How did they EVER manage to do this WITHOUT US?" feel to it.

I NEVER opposed the baby sitting.

I opposed making our military children feel like they are damaged because of the life they were born into.  There are children in the civilian world who will be FAR more "damaged" than military BRATs.

While I didn't like the parts of the book I read, which made it seem as though military children were weak and wimpy, I wouldn't have minded if the Finks had written a book on how civilians see the military life and then work with us to bridge whatever gap was there.

Instead, there was only a greater chasm created.

By BOTH BRATs and Finks.

Every attempt was made by 99% of BRATs to have a civil conversation about it and every attempt was met with blocking; nasty replies/emails; and a refusal to admit they had made a honest one, I'm sure...but a mistake anyhow.

And there was that 1% of BRATs who were nasty back.

I'm sure that I may have allowed my feelings to guide some of my responses, and those are things I regret.  If I did, I am truly sorry.

I don't want to cut them a break, but I do believe in second chances.  If they want to help out, I'm okay with that.  While we all know that our military families will be fine, a little outside help isn't turned away.

But, what happens when the "novelty" of this wears off?  When we are no longer "at war"?

Civilians only wish to understand the military when we are at war, and even then, they don't make attempts to fully understand.  They only support the military when it's PC to do so.

That's the issue.  If the Finks/Operation CHAMPs really want to help, they would not have bailed on BRATs at the first sign of opposition.  That makes it seem as though it was about money, which, in the end, it's always all about.

If they CHOOSE to engage with ALL BRATs, not just those who are ages 5-12, I know 99% of all BRATs would be WILLING to help.  I know I would.

Just reach out and we'll reach back.  THAT'S how you "bridge the chasm".

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